Monday 15 February 2016

Grammar - Transformation of Sentences

Transformation of Sentences

Conversion of Simple sentences to Compound (Double) sentences
·         A Simple sentence can be converted into a Compound by enlarging a word or a phrase into a Co-ordinate clause.
He must work very hard to make up for the lost time.
He must work very hard and make up for the lost time.
To his eternal disgrace, he betrayed his country.
He betrayed his country and this was to his eternal disgrace.
Besides robbing the poor child, he also murdered her.
He not only robbed the poor child but also murdered her.
He must work very hard to win the first prize.
He must work very hard, or he will not win the first prize.
Notwithstanding his hard work, he did not succeed.
He worked hard, yet did not succeed.
Owing to ill-luck, he met with a bad accident on the eve of his examination.
He was unlucky and therefore met with a bad accident on the eve of his examination.
The teacher punished the boy for disobedience.
The boy was disobedient, and so the teacher punished him.
He must not attempt to escape, on pain of death.
He must not attempt to escape, or he will be put to death.

Exercise 74.Rewrite the following Simple sentences as Compound (Double) ones.
1.      In this tower sat the poet gazing on the sea.
·         The poet sat in this tower and gazed on the sea.
2.      To everyone’s surprise, the project completely failed.
·         The project completely failed and this was to everyone’s surprise.
3.      Seeing the rain coming on, we took shelter under a tree.
·         We saw the rain coming on and took shelter under a tree.
4.      Besides educating his nephew, he also set him up in business.
·         He not ony educated his nephew but also set him up in business.
5.      The fog being very dense, the steamer sailed at less than half speed.
·         The fog was very dense and so the steamer sailed at less than half speed.
6.      Raleigh, taking off his cloak politely, placed it in the muddy street.
·         Raleigh took off his cloak politely and placed it in the muddy street.
7.      Being occupied with important matters, he had no leisure to see us.
·         He was occupied with important matters therefore he had no leisure to see us.
8.      In spite of his popularity he cannot be called a great writer.
·         He was popular, yet he cannot be called a great writer.
9.      Rushing against Horatius, he smote with all his might.
·         He rushed against Horatius and smote with all his might.
10.  With all his earning, he was far from being a pedant.
·         He was very learned and so far from being a pedant.
11.  Little Jack Horner sat in a corner, eating his Christmas pie.
·         Little Jack Horner sat in a corner and ate his Christmas pie.
12.  He must resign on pain of public dismissal.
·         He must resign, or he will be put to public dismissal.
·         He must resign, or he will be publicly dismissed.
13.  Owing to drought the crop is short.
·         There is drought and so the crop is short.
14.  The men had not completed their work by sunset.
·         The sun set, yet the men had not completed their work.
15.  Notwithstanding several efforts, he failed.
·         He made several efforts but failed.
16.  By his pleasant manners he gained many friends.
·         He had pleasant manners and therefore gained many friends.
17.  In addition to pecuniary assistance he gave them much valuable advice.
·         He not only did he give pecuniary assistance, but he also gave them much valuable advice.
18.  The referee having whistled, the game was stopped.
·         The referee whistled and the game was stopped.
19.  On account of his negligence the company suffered heavy losses.
·         He was negligent and therefore the company suffered heavy losses.
20.  Running at top speed, he got out of breath.
·         He ran at top speed and got out of breath.
21.  Possessing all the advantages of education and wealth, he never made a name.
·         He possessed all the advantages of education and wealth yet he never made a name.
22.  Taking pity on the mouse, the magician turned it into a cat.
·         The magician took pity on the mouse and turned it into a cat.
23.  Being dissatisfied, he resigned his position.
·         He was dissatisfied and so resigned his position. 
24.  Throwing off his coat, he plunged into the sea.
·         He threw off his coat and plunged into the sea.

Exercise 75.Convert the following Simple sentences to Compound sentences
1.      Hearing their father’s footsteps the boys ran away.
·         The boys heard their father’s footsteps and ran away.
2.      With a great effort he lifted the box.
§  He put fort a great effort and lifted the box.
3.      The man, being very hungry, ate too much.
§  The man was very hungry and ate too much.
4.      In spite of his great strength he was overcome.
§  He was very strong, yet he was overcome.
5.      Against the wishes of his family he left school.
§  He left school and this was against the whishes of his family.
6.      He was universally respected on account of his virtue.
§  He was virtuous and therefore universally respected.
7.      His friend having helped him he is prospering.
§  His friend has helped him and so he is prispering.
8.      Being cripple he cannot ride a horse.
§  He was cripple and therefore he cannot ride a horse.
9.      The rain having washed away the embankment the train was wrecked.
§  The rain washed away the embankment and therefore the train was wrecked.
10.  Finding himself in difficulty he went to his teacher for help.
§  He found himself in difficulty and went to his teacher for help.
11.  My friend being now in Bombay, I shall go there to meet him.
§  My friend is now in Bombay and I shall go there to meet him.
12.  In the event of such a thing happening I should take long leave.
§  Let such a thing happened and then I should take long leave.
13.  They are forbidden to enter the sacred place on point of death.
§  They are forbidden to enter the sacred place and put him to death.
14.  To make certain of getting a place you must apply early.
§  You must apply early or cannot get a place.
15.  He intends to try again notwithstanding his repeated failures.
§  He has failed repeatedly, yet he intends to try again.
16.  In spite of all my advice he has done this foolish thing.
§  I have given him my advice, yet he has done this foolish thing.
17.  By reason of his great ability he has been able to win a high position.
§  He has great ability and therefore he has been able to win a high position.
18.  Through no fault of his own he has become very poor.
§  He has become very poor but it is not through any fault of his own.
19.  Knowing no better he used very inaccurate language.
§  He used very inaccurate language for he knew no better.
20.  His sword having broken he was left defenceless.
§  His sword broke and he was left defenceless.
21.  He was rejected owing to ill-health.
§  His health was bad and so he was rejected.
22.  I do not like him on account of his pride and boastfulness.
§  He is proud and boastful and therefore I do not like him.
23.  To avoid punishment he ran away.
§  He wanted to avoid punishment and so he ran away.
24.  In his ignorance he followed the wrong course.
§  He was ignorant and therefore he followed the wrong course.
25.  Having made no provision for old age, he is very poor.
§  He has made no provision for old age and so he is poor.
26.  Out of a desire for revenge he agreed to this.
§  He had a desire for revenge and so agreed to this.
27.  To add to their troubles a tyre burst on the way.
§  A tyre burst on the way and this added to their troubles.

Coversion of Compound (Double) sentences to Simple sentences
·         The following examples, illustrate the chief ways of converting Compound sentences to Simple sentences.
He finished his exercise and put away his books.
Having finished his exercise, he put away his books.
Not only did his father give him money, but his mother too.
Besides his father giving him money, his mother also did the same.
He was a mere boy but he offered to fight the giant.
In spite of his being a mere boy, he offered to fight the giant.
He must not be late, or he will be punished.
In the event of his being late, he will be punished.
You must either pay the bill at once or return the goods.
Failing prompt payment the goods must be returned by you.
The men endured all the horrors of the campaign and not one of them complained at all.
The men endured all the horrors of the campaign without one of them making any complaint.
We must eat, or we cannot live.
We must eat to live.

Exercise 76.Rewrite the following Compound (Double) sentences as Simple one
1)      They were poor, and often suffered great hardship.
§  In spite of their poverty, they often suffered great hardship.
§  Being poor, they ofthen suffered great hardship.
2)      He overslept himself, and so he missed the train.
§  Having overslept himself, he missed the train.
3)      The prince slew his brother and became king in his place.
§  Slaying his brother, the prince became king.
4)      This coat cannot be mine, for it is too big.
§  This coat is too big to be mine.
5)      This general fought bravely, the king therefore made him commander-in-chief.
§  This general having fought bravely, the king made him commander-in-chief.
6)      The camel pushed his head into the tent and asked to be allowed to warm his nose.
§  Pushing his head into the tent, the camel asked to be allowed to warm his nose.
7)      As a boy he had never been at school, and therefore he had no opportunity of learning to read or write.
§  Having never been at school as a boy, he had no opportunity of learning to read and write.
8)      This must not occur again, or you will be dismissed.
§  On the event its occuring again, you will be punished.
9)      He granted the request, for he was unwilling to disappoint his friend.
§  Being unwilling to disappoint his friend, he granted the request.
10)   They took every precaution ; still they ran aground.
§  With all their precautions, they ran aground.
11)   He is rich, yet he is not contented.
§  In spite of his being rich, he not contented
12)   Make haste, or else you will be late.
§  Make haste so as not to be late.
13)   The steamer went down, yet the crew were saved.
§  In spite of the stemer going down, the crew were saved.
14)   The piper advanced, and the children followed.
§  The piper advancing, the children followed.
15)   The horse reared and the rider was thrown.
§  The horse rearing, the rider was thrown
16)   Walk quickly, else you will not overtake him.
§  Walk quickly so as not to overtake him.
17)   I called him, but he gave me no answer.
§  In spite of my calling him, he gave me no answer.
18)   Either he is drowned or some passing ship has saved him.
§  In the event o f passing ship having not saved him, he must have been drowned
19)   He must have done his duty, for he is a conscientious man.
§  Being a conscientious man, he must have done his duty.
20)   He tried hard, but he did not succeed.
§  In spite of having tried hard, he did not succeed.
21)   Either you must help me or I must try to carry out my task alone.
§  Failing your help I must try to carry out my task alone.
22)   His partner died, and this added to his difficulties.
§  To add his difficulty, his partner died.
23)   He was horrified fo he saw blood stains on the floor and no sign of his child.
§  He was horrified to see blood stains on the floor and no sign of his child.
24)   Not only men, but women and children were put to death.
§  Besides men, women and children were also put to death.
25)   Everybody else went down to meet the train, but I did not.
§  All except me went down to meet him on the train.
26)   He is a well-read man, but in matters of business he is a fool.
§  In spite of his well – read man, in matter of business he is a fool.
27)   Work at least six hours a day, or you cannot make sure of success.
§  Work at least six hours a day to make sure of success.
28)   He is very poor, but he does not complain.
§  In spite of his being very poor, he does not complain.
29)   He neither returns the goods nor paid the bill.
§  Besides returning the goods, he did not pay the bill.

Conversion of Simple sentences to Complex
·         A Simple sentences can be converted to a Complex sentences by expanding a word or phrase into a Subordinate clause.
He confessed his crime.
He confessed that he was guilty.
His silence proves his guilt.
The fact that he is silent proves his guilt.
He bought his uncle’s library.
He bought the library which belonged to his uncle.
On the arrival of the mails the steamer will leave.
The steamer will leave as soon as the mails arrive.
He owed his success to his father.
It was owing to his father that he succeeded.
He worked hard to pass the examination.
He work hard that he might pass the examination.
Cain, being jealous of Abel, struck him.
Cain struck Abel because he was jealous of him.
Only Hindus are admitted.
If you are not a Hindu you cannot be admitted.
He succeeded unexpectedly.
He succeeded although his success not expected.
The management is thoroughly bad.
The management is as bad as it could be.
A man’s modesty is in inverse proportion to his ignorance.
The more ignorant a man is, the less modest he is.

Exercise 78.Convert the following Simple sentences tp Complex sentences, each containing a Noun clause.
1)      I expect to meet Rama to-night.
·         I expect that I will meet Rama tonight.
2)      He hoped to win the prize.
·         He hoped that he would win the prize.
3)      His father is not likely to punish him.
·         It is not likely that his father will punish him.
4)      The Rajah expressed a desire for the presence of the Diwan.
·         The Rajah expressed
5)      Krishna wishes me to play for his team.
·         Krishna wishes that I should play for his team.
6)      He believes their success to be certain in that case.
·         He believes that their success is certain in that case.
7)      Our friends will hear of our success.
·         Our friends will hear that we have succeeded.
8)      You imply my guilt by your words and manner.
·         You imply by your words and manner that I am guilty.
9)      I have long suspectted his poverty.
·         I have long suspected that he is poor.
10)   I request your help.
·         I request that you should help me.
11)   I overheard all his remarks.
·         I overhead all that he remarked.
12)   I did not think fit to reply to his writings.
·         I did not think that it would be fit to reply his writings.
13)   He confessed his fault.
·         He confessed that he had comitted a fault.
14)   His hiding-place is still unknown.
·         Where he is hiding is still unknown.
15)   I shall be glad of your advice in this matter.
·         I shall be glad if give me advise in this matter.
16)   He pleaded ignorance of the law.
·         He pleaded that he was ignorant of the law.
17)   I cannot foretell the time of my departure.
·         I cannot foretell when I shall depart.
18)   I wish you to be quiet.
·         I wish you will be quiet.
19)   He is said to be a millionaire.
·         It is said that he is a milinaire.
20)   Tell the truth.
·         Tell what is true.

Exercise 79.Covert the following Simple sentences to Comkplex sentences, each containing an Adjective clause.
1)      I saw a wounded bird.
·         I saw a bird which was wounded.
2)      Rama is happy in his present class.
·         Rama who is in his present class is happy.
3)      The man near me is my brother.
·         The man who is near me is my brother.
4)      Our guru is a man of blameless life.
·         A man whose blameless life is our guru.
5)      Your father is the man to help you in this matter.
·         The man who helps you in this matter is your father.
6)      The value of exercise is great.
·         The value which is from exercise is great.
7)      Was this the deed of a good man?
·         Was a good man who did the deed?
8)      I was the first to hear the news.
·         The first one who heard the news was me.
9)      These are not the methods of business.
·         The methods which are business are not these.
10)   The class-room is not the place for boys to play in.
·         The place where is not to play in for boys is the class-room.
11)   He sat outside on a stone in the compound.
·         A stone in the compound which he sat on was outside.
12)   He is hardly the boy to do credit to the school.
·         The boy who does credit to the school is hardly him.
13)   He liked his former place.
·         He whose former place he liked.
14)   Smoke, the certain indicator of fire, appeared in the mine.
·         The certain indicator of fire which appeared in the mine was smoke.
15)   I was the first to arrive.
·         The first to arrive was me.
16)   That is not the way to answer.
·         The way which is not to answer is that.
17)   It was the work of a wild animal.
·         The work which of a wild animal was it.
18)   He is the water-carrier.
·         The carrier which waters to is him.
19)   I have nowhere to sit.
·         Nowhere which to sit I have.
20)   My friend, the magistrate of this place, is on leave.
·         The magistrate of this place which is on leave is my friend.

Exercise 80. – Convert the following Simple sentences to Complex sentences, each containing an Adverb clause

1.      On being punished, he wept.
·         While he was being punished, he wept.
2.      During Queen Victoria's reign there were many wars.
·         As Queen Victoria reigned over so there were many wars.
3.      Being quite contented, he never grumbled.
·         He never grumbled if it was quite contented.
4.      Being ill-treated by his master, he ran away.
·         While he was being ill-treated by his master, he ran away.
5.      He was too dull to understand.
·         He was so dull that he could not be understood.
6.      The tiger is feared for its fierceness.
·         The tiger is feared because of its fierceness.
7.      With your permission I will go away.
·         Whenever you give me permission, I will go away.
8.      The peon would be quite happy with a rise of Rs. 10 a month.
·         If raising Rs. 10 a month, the peon would be quite happy.
9.      He replied to the best of his ability.
·         He replied that he is the best of his ability.
10.  I can only tell you according to my memory.
·         If I remember, I can only tell you.
11.  Of Krishna and Rama the latter works the harder.
·         Because of Krishna and Rama the latter works the harder.
12.  Owing to ill-health he has resigned.
·         As he the ill-health, so he has resigned.
13.  He was annoyed at being rebuked.
·         He was annoyed if he was at being rebuked.
14.  He cannot be caught on account of his quickness.
·         If his account is quick, he cannot be caught.
15.  He is too lazy to succeed.
·         As he is too lazy, so he will not succeed.
16.  Does he wish me to go?
·         Does he wish I have to go.

Exercise 81.Rewrite the following Simple sentences as Complex sentences

1)      Can you tell me the time of his arrival?
·         Can you tell me when he arrive?
2)      The prince was to be found in the hottest of the battle.
·         The prince was to be found where the battle was the hottest.
3)      I rejoice at his good fortune.
·         I rejoice that he has goo fortune.
4)      But for his own confession, the crime could scarcely have been brought home to him.
·         The crime could scarcely have been brought home to him if he had not confessed it himself.
5)      He alone entered, the rest of us waiting without.
·         He alone entered while the rest of us were waiting outside.
6)      The last of these voyages not proving very fortunate, I grew weary of the sea.
·         As the last of these voyages did not prove very fortunate, I grew up weary of the sea.
7)      Considering the difficulties of his position, he has acted admirably.
·         He has acted admiraby if we consider the difficulties of his position.
8)      Speak low, to prevent our being overheard.
·         Speak low so that you may prevent our being overheard.
9)      He was too much excited to hear reason.
·         He was so much excited that he could not hear reason.
10)  A letter from the butler brings to the club the news of Sir Roger’s death.
·         A letter from the butler brings to the club the news that Sir Roger is dead.
11)  The exact date of the birth of Buddha is unknown.
·         The exact date when Buddha was born is unkhown.
12)   A daily bath is necessary to perfect health.
·         If one wants to maintain a perfect health, one should have a daily bath.
13)  Success or failure depends largely on your own efforts.
·         Success or failure depends largely on efforts you make.
14)  In my hurry I forgot the most important letters.
·         As I was in hurry I forgot the most important letters.
15)  Listeners never hear any good of themselves.
·         Those who never listen any good of themselves.
16)  Finding the door unlocked, the thief entered the house.
·         Finding the door was unlocked, the thief entered the house.
17)  It is impossible to trust the word of a habitual liar.
·         It is impossible to trust the word of one who is a habitual liar.
18)  Gray, the author of the Elegy, lived in the eighteenth century.
·         Gray, who is the author of the Elegy, lived in the eighteenth century.
19)  The shepherd found the lost sheep.
·         The shepherd found the sheep that was lost.
20)  The boy readily admitted his mistake.
·         The boy readily admitted that he had the mistake.
21)  Tell me your plans.
·         Tell me what your plans are.
22)  He could clearly remember the incidents of his youth.
·         He could clearly remember the incidents that occured in his youth.
23)  On arriving at the foot of the hill, he blew his trumpet.
·         When he arrived at the foot of the hill, he blew his trumpet.
24)  A spider saved Robert Bruce.
·         It was a spider that saved Robert Bruce.
25)  The prudent man looks to the future.
·         The man that is prudent looks to the future.
26)  For want of money, he was unable to prosecute his studies.
·         As he had no money, he was unable to prosecute his studies
27)  All the money having been spent, we started looking for work.
·         As all the money had been spent, we started looking for work.
28)  The idle cannot hope to succeed.
·         Those who are idle cannot hope to succeed.
29)  Our orders were to show no mercy.
·         Our orders were that we should show no mercy.
30)  It was too late for retreat.
·         It was so late that they could not retreat.
31)  I must be cruel, only to be kind.
·         I must be cruel so that i may be kind.
32)  The men fought with desperation.
·         The men fought as they were in desperation.
33)  He is too truthful to be a successful courtier.
·         He is too truthful that he cannot be a successful courtier.
34)  Your remuneration depends on the quality of your work.
·         The remuneration which you will get depends on the quality of your work.
35)  He conducted himself madly to escape suspicion.
·         He conducted himself madly so he might escape suspicion.
36)  Good boys need not fear punishment.
·         Good boys need not fear that they will be punished.
37)  The accused confessed his guilt.
·         The accused confessed that he was guilty.
38)  I asked him the reason of his coming.
·         I asked him why he had come.
39)  But for your folly you could have been a partner in the firm to-day.
·         If it had not been your folly, you could have been a partner in the firm to-day.
40)  Tell me your age.
·         Tell me how old you are.
41)  I was glad to hear of your arrival.
·         I was glad to hear you arrived.
42)  Being a very diligent and clever lad, he soon distinguished himself.
·         As he was very diligent and clever lad, he soon distinguished himself.
43)  He is too short for a soldier.
·         He is so short that he is not fit to be a soldier.
44)  This is said to be the birthplace of “Buddha”.
·         It was said that this is the birthplace of “Buddha”.
45)  His success went beyond his expectations.
·         His success went beyond what he expected.
46)  In spite of his poor health, he worked hard.
·         Though he was in a poor health, he worked hard.
47)  Feeling out of sorts, he went to bed.
·         As he felt out of sorts, he went to bed.
48)  He complained of being unjustly treated.
·         He complained that he had  been unjustly treated.
49)  He killed the hen to get the treasure.
·         He killed the hen so that he might get the treasure.
50)  An army of ants will attack large and ferocious animals.
·         An army of ants will attack which are large and ferocious.
51)  A very miserly planter formerly lived in the island of Jamaica.
·         A planter who was very miserly formerly lived in the island of Jamaica.
52)  He often gave his poor slaves too little food.
·         He often gave his poor slaves that was too little food.
53)  Industry will keep you from want.
·         If you are Industrious, you  will be kept  from want.
54)  A drowning man will catch at a straw.
·         A man that is drowning will catch at a straw.
55)  It is excellent to have a giant's strength.
·         It is excellent to have the strength a giant has.
56)  Having finished our work, we went out for a walk.
·         When we finished our work, we went out for a walk.
57)  With all thy faults I love thee still.
·         Though thou has thy faults I love thee still.
58)  The news is too good to be true.
·         The news is so good that cannot be true.
59)  This tree is too high for me to climb.
·         This tree is so high that I cannot climb.
60)  He is too old to learn anything new.
·         He is so old that he cannot learn anything new.
61)  The world's greatest men have not laboured with a view to becoming rich.
·         The world's greatest men have not laboured so that they may become rich.
62)  With a change of wind we shall have rain.
·         When the wind changes, we shall have rain.
63)  With all his wealth he is not happy.
·         Though he has wealth, he is not happy.

Conversion of Complex sentences to Simple sentences
·         Study the following examples.

Noun Clause
He said that he was innocent.
He declared his innocence.
That you are drunk aggravates your offence.
Your drunkenness aggravates your offence.
Tell me where you live.
Tell me your address.
It is a pity that we should have to undergo this disgrace.
Our having to undergo this disgrace is a pity.
It is proclaimed that all men found with arms will be shot.
According to the proslaimation all men found with arms will be shot.
He remarked how impudent the boy was.
He remarked on the boy’s impudence.
How long I shall stay is doubtful.
The duration of my stay is doubtful.
Except that he hurt his hand, he was lucky.
Except for the hurt to his hand, he was lucky.

Exercise 82.Convert each of the following Complex sentences to a Simple sentences
1)      We believe that he is innocent.
·         We believe in his innocent.
2)      It was much regretted that he was absent.
·         His absent was much regretted.
3)      The consequence of his carelessness was that the game was lost.
·         The consequence of his carelessness was the loss of the game.
4)      He asked why I came.
·         He asked the reason of my coming.
5)      He ordered that the traitor should be executed.
·         He ordered the execution of the traitor.
6)      It is to be hoped that he escaped unhurt.
·         His escaping unhurt is to be hoped for.
7)      I do not know when I shall return.
·         I do not know the time of my return.
8)      We hope that better times will come.
·         We hope for better times of my coming.
9)      The news that the enemy landed spread like wild fire.
·         The news of landing of the enemy spread like wild fire.
10)  That I was successful does not make me happy.
·         My successful does not make me happy.
11)  He ordered the police that they should imprison the rioters.
·         He ordered the police to imprison the rioters.
12)  That you should be willing to believe this is incredible.
·         Your  willingnes to believe this is incredible.
13)  Whoever is prudent is, respected.
·         A  prudent person is respected.
14)  It is reported that our troops have won a victory.
·         The victory of our troops is reported.
15)  All believed that he was guilty of murder.
·         All believed him to be guilty of murder.
16)  Tell me what you mean by this.
·         Tell me your meaning.

Adverb Clause
The Rajah was annoyed that he had not carried out his orders.
The Rajah was annoyed at his not having carried out his orders.
You can talk as much as you like.
You can talk to your heart’s content.
Everything comes if a man will only work and wait.
Everything comes to a dilligent and patient man.
I am pushing my business wherever I can find an opening.
I am pushing my business in every possible direction.
He will not pay unless he is compelled.
He will pay only under compulsion.
You have succeeded better than you hoped.
You have succeeded beyond your hopes.
When the cat is away the mice will play.
In the absence of the cat the mice will play.
He does not always speak as he thinks.
He does not always speak his thoughts.
A good boy will always do as he is commanded by his superiors.
A good boy will always carry out (or execute) the commands of his superiors.
I was surprised when I heard him talk so.
I was surprised to hear him talk so.
He was so tired that he could not stand.
He was too tired to stand.
If I make a promise only I keep it.
I make a promise only to keep it.
As the war was ended, the soldiers returned.
The war being ended, the soldiers returned.
While there is life there is hope.
Life and hope are inseparable.
As you sow, so you will reap.
You will but reap the fruits of your sowing.

Exercise 84.Convert each of the following Complete sentences into a Simple sentences
1)      As you are here you may as well see it.
·         You may as well see it here.
2)      He was angry when he heard the result.
·         He was angry to hear the result.
3)      Does he know the consequences if he refuses?
·         Does he know the consequences of refusing?
4)      He cannot go unless I consent.
·         He can go only under consent.
5)      You cannot always talk sense if you are always talking.
·         You cannot always talk sense on your talking.
6)      You never come here but you steal something.
·         You come here in your stealing something.
7)      The boy ran as far as he could.
·         The boy ran far in his capable of running.
8)      As it was beginning to rain we waited a while.
·         We waited a while for rain.
9)      Although he was failed twice he will try again.
·         He will try again in being failed twice.
10)  He made such good speed that he was in time.
·         He made such good speed being in time.
11)  Because he was ill he stayed at home.
·         He stayed at home in his illness.
12)  As he felt cold he lit a fire.
·         He lit a fire in feeling cold.
13)  Since I am unable to get much, I accept little.
·         I accept a little in being unable to get much.
14)  He will pay you when he hears from me.
·         He will pay you hearing from me.
15)  He was so tired that he couldn’t sleep.
·         He could not sleep in his tiring.
16)  They rejoice that they are going.
·         They rejoice at their going.
17)  I congratulated him because he had passed.
·         I congratulated him in his successful.
18)  He can afford to be generous because he is rich.
·         He can afford to be generous in his rich.
19)  As the hour had arrived they started.
·         In the hour having arrived they started.
20)  Since I believed his word I did not ask for proof.
·         I believed his word not asking for proof.
21)  The dog jumped up when he saw the cat.
·         The dog jumped up to see the cat.
22)  The horse is so old that it cannot work.
·         The horse is so old to work.
23)  The tiger renowned through all the countryside because he is so cunning and ferocious.
·         The tiger renowned through all the countryside in his cunning and ferocious.
24)  He was very angry when he had to pay again.
·         He was very angry having to pay again.
25)  The longer we wait here, the darker it will become.
·         The longer we wait here becoming darker.
26)  He is not so tall that he cannot enter the doorway.
·         He is not tall to enter the doorway.
27)  When they heard the signal they sprang up.
·         They heard the signal to spring.
28)  As the truth is known, further lying is useless.
·         Lying more is useless in knowing the truth.
29)  Wherever you go I shall follow you.
·         I shall always follow you.
30)  No sooner did he see us than he disappeared.
·         No soon did he see us beyond his disappearing.
31)  As soon as he heard the news he wrote to me.
·         He heard the news in his writing to me.
32)  Because you have done this I shall punish you.
·         I shall punish you in your having done this.
33)  As he was not there, I spoke to his brother.
·         In the absence of him I spoke to his brother.
34)  They went where living was cheaper.
·         They went to live cheaper.
35)  Wherever he preached the people gathered to listen.
·         The people always gathered to listen his preach in every time.
36)  She stood as though turned to stone.
·         She didn’t care to stand till being stone.
37)  We have come so that we may help you.
·         We have come to help you.
38)  You will pass if you work hard.
·         You will pass by work hard.
39)  He cannot see unless he wears glasses.
·         He can see only with glasses.
40)  His father still trusted him though he had deceived him.
·         His father still trusted him in his having deceiving him.
41)  He is not so prudent as he ought to be.
·         He is not a prudent person.
42)  It was so dark that you could not see your hand.
·         It was so dark at your hand invisible.
43)  When the fraud was discovered, he was imprisoned after being tried.
·         The fraud was discovered to be imprisoned after being tired.
44)  He was so indolent that he could not be successful.
·         He could not be successful in his indolent.
45)  An honest boy speaks as he thinks.
·         An honest boy speaks his thoughts.
46)  Sit down where you please.
·         Sit down to your heart’s content.
47)  The larger the brain, the more vigorous the mind.
·         The larger brain makes the more vigorous of mind.
48)  I shall give you my horse if you give me your silver.
·         I shall give my horse only in your gift of silver.
49)  We will do the work as well as we can.
·         We will do the work in his full of capability.
50)  Robinson Crusoe puzzled when he discovered the print of a foot on the sand.
·         Robinson Crusoe puzzled in his discovering of the print of a foot on the sand.
51)  Though the sky falls, he will not be frightened.
·         The sky falling cannot influence his afraid.
52)  Apollo was worshipped as long as the Roman Empire lasted.
·         Apollo was worshipped at the Roman Empire lasting.
53)  I will buy it, cost what it may.
·         I don’t care the cost to buy it.
54)  I am surprised that you should believe such nonsense.
·         I am surprised of your belief such nonsense
55)  Whatever you do, I will support.
·         You do everything in my support.

Conversion of Compound sentences to Complex sentences
·         Study the following examples.
Search his pockets and you will find the watch.
If you search his pockets, you will find the watch.
Do as I tell you, or you will regret it.
Unless you do as I tell you, you will regret it.
The lion was wounded but not like killed.
The lion was not killed although he was wounded.
Waste not, want not.
If you do not waste, you will not want.
He was the danger, but pressed on.
Although he saw the danger, he pressed on.
He armed at winning the prize and worked hard.
He worked hard so that he might win the prize.
He had to sign, or be executed.
If he had not signed, he would have been executed.
He is buried near Rome and myrtles grow round his grave.
He is buried near Rome in a place where myrtles grow.
He wish to become learned ; therefore he is studying hard.
He is studying hard, that he may become learned.
He saw the danger and paused.
When he saw the danger, he paused.

Exercise 86.Transform from Compound into Complex sentences

1.      Spare the rod and spoil the child.
·         If you spare the rod you will spoil the child.
2.      He put on his hat and went outside.
·         After he put on his hat he went outside.
3.      At length she woke and looked round.
·         When she woke at length she looked round.
4.      Keep quiet, or you will be punished.
·         If you do not keep quiet, you will be punished.
5.      The ship was wrecked, but the crew were saved.
·         Though the ship was wrecked, the crew were saved.
6.      Either Shirin will come or she will send a letter.
·         If Shirin does not come she will send a letter.
7.      Do your best, and you will never regret it.
·         If you do your best, you will never regret it.
8.      He received your telegram and set off at once.
·         As soon as he received your telegram he set off at once.
9.      I must hurry back at once, or my business will greatly suffer.
·         If you do not hurry back at once, my business will greatly suffer.
10.  Do this, or you will be punished.
·         Unless you do this, you will be punished.
11.  Rama may not be clever but he is certainly industrious.
·         Though Rama may not be clever he is certainly industrious.
12.  I put my hand into my pocket and gave him a rupee.
·         After I put my hand into my pocket I gave him a rupee.
13.  Only do the right, and you will have no reason to be ashamed.
·         If you do the right, you will have no reason to be ashamed.
14.  The crow stole a piece of cheese and flew with it to a tree.
·         The crow, when he had stolen a piece of cheese, flew with it to a tree.
15.  I called at your house yesterday but you were out.
·         When I called at your house yesterday, you were out.
16.  We must do our work well, or our master will be angry with us.
·         We must do our work well, or our master will be angry with us.
17.  You have earned his gratitude, so you shall not go unrewarded.
·         Since you have earned his gratitude, you shall not go unrewarded.
18.  He failed in his first attempt and never tried again.
·         After he failed in his first attempt he never tried again.
19.  Time flies fast, yet it sometimes appears to move slowly.
·         Though time flies fast, it sometimes appears to move slowly.
20.  Mosquitoes cause malaria, and this is well known.
·         It is well known that mosquitoes cause malaria.
21.  She must weep, or she will die.
·         If She does not weep, she will die.
22.  He ran to the station, but he missed the train.
·         Though he ran to the station, he missed the train.
23.  The boy was tired, therefore he went to bed.
·         As the boy was tired, he went to bed.
24.  He is poor, but contented.
·         Though he is poor, he is contented.
25.  Life has few enjoyments; still we cling to it.
·         Though life has few enjoyments we cling to it.
26.  Eat few suppers and you'll need few medicines.
·         If you eat few suppers you'll need few medicines.
27.  He is working hard; therefore he will succeed.
·         As he is working hard, he will succeed.
28.  He wishes to succeed ; therefore he works hard.
·         He works hard so that he may succeed.
29.  He was going along this road, and met a dragon.
·         While he was going along this road, he met a dragon.
30.  They were refused pay, but went on working.
·         Though they were refused pay, they went on working.
31.  I frowned upon him, yet he loves me still.
·         Though I frowned upon him, he loves me still.
32.  Do you find victories and we will find rewards?
·         If you find victories we will find rewards.
33.  The archers were poorly armed, but they offered a stubborn resistance.
·         Though the archers were poorly armed, they offered a stubborn resistance.
34.  Cross this line and you will be captured.
·         If you cross this line you will be captured.
35.  You must be warmly clad, or you will catch cold.
·         Unless you are warmly clad, you will catch cold.
36.  Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.
·         If you take care of the pence, the pounds will take care of themselves.
37.  He adored his proud wife, but he was in mortal fear of her fierce temper.
·         Though he adored his proud wife, he was in mortal fear of her fierce temper.
38.  We are few, but we are of the right sort.
·         Though we are few, we are of the right sort.
39.  Be diligent and you will succeed.
·         If you are diligent  you will succeed.
40.  It seems too good to be true nevertheless it is a fact.
·         Though It seems too good to be true, it is a fact.
41.  Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
·         If you resist the devil, he will flee from you.
42.  I will recover it, or die in the attempt.
·         If I fail to recover it, I will die in the attempt.
43.  Take a farthing from a hundred pounds, and it will be a hundred pounds no longer.
·         If you take a farthing from a hundred pounds, it will be a hundred pounds no longer.
44.  He has lost all his teeth, consequently he cannot eat hard food.
·         As he has lost all his teeth, he cannot eat hard food.
45.  Give him an inch and he'll take an ell.
·         If you give him an inch he'll take an ell.
46.  Hear him out, and you will understand him the better.
·         If you hear him out, you will understand him the better.
47.  Advance another step, and you are a dead man.
·         If you advance another step, you are a dead man.
48.  Send the deed after me and I will sign it.
·         If you send the deed after me I will sign it.
49.  He was very learned and seemed to know everything.
·         As he was very learned, he seemed to know everything.
50.  He was ambitious and therefore I killed him.
·         As he was ambitious I killed him.
51.  We landed at Karachi, and there we spent a very enjoyable week.
·         After we landed at Karachi, we spent there a very enjoyable week.
52.   We called upon Mr. Pundit and he introduced us to his partner.
·         When he called upon Mr. Pundit he introduced us to his partner.
53.  He was my friend, therefore I loved him.
·         As he was my friend, I loved him.

Exercise 87.Convert the following Compound sentences to Complex sentences

1.      Give me the book and I will read it.
·         If you give me the book I will read it.
2.      Take quinine and your fever will be cured.
·         If you take quinine, your fever will be cured.
3.      I tell him to be quiet and he takes no notice.
·         When I tell him to be quiet he takes no notice.
4.      He is deaf but he will always pretend to hear.
·         Though he is deaf, he will always pretend to hear.
5.      You have paid the bill but you will get no more credit.
·         Though you have paid the bill you will get no more credit.
6.      I ran all the way to the station but I missed the train.
·         Though I ran all the way to the station I missed the train.
7.      Rama is a better player than Krishna and therefore he must take his place in the team.
·         Since Rama is a better player than Krishna, he must take his place in the team.
8.      You called me and here I am.
·         As you called me, I am here.
9.      The master is nearly blind and the boys are very sorry for him.
·         As the master is nearly blind, boys are very sorry for him.
10.  We will win or die.
·         If we do not win, we will die.
11.  Let me come in, or I will break down the door.
·         If you do not let me come in, I will break down the door.
12.  Be careful in your diet and you will keep health.
·         If you careful in your diet ,you will keep health.
13.  Listen and I will tell you all.
·         If you listen I will tell you all.
14.  He is very agreeable but I don't like him.
·         Though he is very agreeable I don't like him.
15.  It is cold, so I shall wear a coat.
·         As it is cold, I shall wear a coat.
16.  Send me the gun and I will mend it.
·         If you send me the gun I will mend it.
17.  Be good and you need not be clever.
·         If you are good you need not be clever.
18.  Follow me, or you will lose your way.
·         If you follow me, you will lose your way.
19.  You ordered the goods and so they have been sent.
·         As you ordered the goods they have been sent.
20.  You must pay, or else sign a chit.
·         If  you do not pay, sign a chit.
21.  I do not like his lectures and so I don't attend them.
·         As I do not like his lectures I don't attend them.
22.  He ran away, or they would have killed him.
·         If he had not ran away, they would have killed him.
23.  He has injured me but I will forgive him.
·         Though he has injured me I will forgive him.
24.  Be quiet, or I shall punish you.
·         If you are not quiet, I shall punish you.
25.  Be just and fear not.
·         If you are just you not need fear.
26.  He was never present, but he always sent a deputy.
·         Though he was never present, he always sent a deputy.
27.  Be kind and help me.
·         Be so kind that you will help me.
28.  Pay heed to the small details and the general plan will surely succeed.
·         If you pay heed to the small details the general plan will surely succeed.
29.  He is certain to be late, so why wait for him?
·         Since he is certain to be late, why wait for him?
30.  You or I must go away.
·         If you do not go away I must.
31.  Sri Lanka went in first on a very wet wicket, and so they lost the match.
·         As Sri Lanka went in first on a very wet wicket, they lost the match
32.  They tried to bribe the peon but he was too clever for them.

·         Though they tried to bribe the peon, he was too clever for them.

Source: High School English Grammar and Composition By Wren & Martin (latest edition)


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  5. The English language is truly an international language. This article will briefly explain the origins of the English Language.


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