Tuesday 16 February 2016

Grammar - Noun Clause

Noun Clause

A noun clause is a group of words which contains a Subject and a Predicate of its own, and does the work of a Noun.

Examples :

1.      I expect that I shall get a prize. [Object of the verb expect and so does the work of a noun]
that I shall get a prize contains a subject and a predicate of its own. It is therefore a clause.

2.      That you have come pleases me. [Subject of the verb pleases and so does the work of a noun]

It is therefore a Noun Clause.

A noun clause does the work of a noun in a complex sentence, and it can be :

The subject of a verb

·         That you should say so suprises me.
·         That it would rain seemed likely.
·         What he said was true.
·         When I shall return is uncertain.
·         How he could assist his friend was his chief concern.

The object of a transitive verb
·         She denied that she had written the letter.
·         I cannot tell what has become of him.
·         I asked the boy how old he was.
·         Tell me why you did this.
·         No one knows who he is.

The object of a preposition
·         Pay careful attention to what I am going to say.
·         There is no meaning in what you say.
·         There were no complaints expect that the day was too hot.

In apposition to a noun or pronoun
·         Your statement that you found the money in the street will not be believed.
·         His belief that some day he would succeed cheered him through many disappointments.
·         You must never forget this, that honesty is the best policy.
·         It is feared that he will not come.
·         It was unfortunate that you wee absent.

The complement of a verb of incomplete predication
·         Her constant prayer was that the child might live.
·         His great fear is that he may fail.
·         My wish is that I may please you.
·         Their request will be that may be allowed to resign.
·         Life is what we make it.
·         This is where I live.

A clause coming after a constuction consisting of an intansitive verb (particularly the verb to be) and an adjective does the work of a noun and is, therefore, treated as a Noun Clause.

Examples of the noun clause comes after an intransitive verb construction

1.      The child was afraid that he would fall down.
2.      All of us keen that you should succeed.
3.      They felt sory that they lost the match.
4.      The patient was sure that he would recover.
5.      She did not seem hopeful that he would arrive.

Noun clause is generally introduced by the subordinating conjunction that. Sometimes, however, the conjunction that is omitted.

·         I know (that) he did it.

Exercise.Pick out the Noun Clause and say whether it is the Subject of some verb, or the Object of some verb, or the Complement of some verb, or in Apposition to some noun or pronoun, or the Object of some preposition.

1.      Tell me how you found that out. [Object of a verb]
2.      That he will succeed is certain. [Subject of a veb]
3.      I think you have made a mistake. [Object of a verb]
4.      She says her mother is ill. [Object of a verb]
5.      How long I shall stay here is doubtful. [Subject of a verb]
6.      I did not know that he had come. [Object of a verb
7.      It is clear that he was guilty. [Object of a verb]
8.      I do not understand how it all happened. [Object of a verb]
9.      Can you tell who wrote Shakuntala? [Object of a verb]
10.  All depends on how it is done. [Object of a preposition]
11.  Do you deny that you stole the purse? [Object of a verb]
12.  The law will punish whosoever is guilty. [Object of a verb]
13.  I think I know your face. [Object of a verb]
14.  Ask if dinner is ready. [Object of a verb]
15.  The report that he was killed is untrue. [in Apposition to some noun or pronoun]
16.  He was vey hopeful that he would succeed. [Object of a verb]
17.  Do whatever you think right.
18.  I don’t see how you can get out of this mess. [Object of a verb]
19.  Do you know when the train will arrive? [Object of a verb]
20.  Whoever came was made welcome. [Subject of a verb]
21.  I understand you want a situation. [Object of a verb]
22.  My verdict is that the prisoners shall die. [Complement of a verb of incomplete predication]
23.  I cannot express how sorry I am. [Object of a verb]
24.  They guessed what he meant. [Object of a verb]
25.  I am afraid that she will be angry. [Object of a verb]
26.  Will you explain why you behaved so? [Object of a verb]
27.  No one can tell how this will end. [Object of a verb]
28.  The truth is that we have been deceived. [Complement of a verb of incomplete predication]
29.  It is not clear who has done this. [Object of a verb]
30.  I do not know how I can deal with this rascal. [Object of a verb]
31.  I did not know whether I should laugh or cry. [Object of a verb]
32.  We are desirous that you should succeed. [Object of a verb]

Sometimes, instead of a Noun Clause introduced by that, the Accusative with the Invinitive is used.

1.      He thought that he was safe there.
He thought himself to be safe there.

2.      I believed that he was a true friend.
I believed him to be a true friend.

3.      This proved that the man had stolen the horse.
This proved the man to have stolen the horse.

4.      We know that Rama is alive.
We know Rama to be alive.

Exercise.In each of the following sentences replace the words in italics by suitable Noun Clause.

1.      The time of his coming no one can guess.
·         when he will come.

2.      I heard of his success.
·         that he had succeed.

3.      The reason of his failure will never be known.
·         why he failed

4.      I predict a change in the weather.
·         that the weather will change

5.      The jury believed the man guilty.
·         tha the man was guilty

6.      We expect an improvement in business.
·         that business will improve

7.      Who can doubt the truth of his statement.
·         that his statement is true

8.      I know him to be trustworthy.
·         that he is trustwothy.

9.      I do not believe the account given by him.
·         that he had gave me

10.  He confessed his guilt.
·         that he was guilty

11.  He described the attack on the camp.
·         how they had attacked

12.  The place of their meeting was known to the police.
·         where they met

13.  The sailor told us the direction of the wind.
·         where the wind was blowing from

14.  His arrival was quite unexpected.
·         that he would arrive

15.  His friends hoped for his success.
·         that he would succeed

16.  I know your great regard for him.
·         that you have great regard for him

Exercise.In each of the following sentences replace each Noun Clause by a Noun or Noun Phrase.

1.      I hope that I shall be there in time.
·         to be there in time

2.      He is sure that we will win the match.
·         of our winning the match

3.      I remarked that it was a fine day.
·         upon the fine day

4.      They do not know where he is concealed.
·         the place of his concealment

5.      The police must know where he is living.
·         his address

6.      I believe that the man is sincere.
·         the man to be sincere

7.      Tell me what you think about this.
·         your opinion of this

8.      The doctor is hopeful that she will soon recover.
·         of he recovery

9.      It is to be regretted that he retired from the world so early in life.
·         his early retirement

10.  I do not believe what he says.
·         his words

11.  He showed how the problem was done.
·         the method of doing problem

12.  It seems that he is a sharper.
·         he seems to be a sharper

13.  He does not know where I live.
·         my address

14.  Tell me why you did this.
·         the reason for doing this

15.  It is not known who has written this book.
·         the author of this book

16.  The law will punish whosever is guilty.

·         the guilty

Source: High School English Grammar and Composition By Wren & Martin (latest edition)

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